Seven Colors of Music - Orange
Seven Colors of Music

Orange is Freedom and Celebration

Bounds of innocence are now broken.
I am free! I am a person,
A unique individual, with Free Will.
Exactly who I am is not yet known,
Now is the time to find out,
Now is the time to create myself.

I am filled with the joy of newness
And the whole world beckons to me.
With the world, I celebrate my arriving.
Praise to the grand universe and its creator!

Orange is the transition from the condition of dependency and vulnerability to a state of independence. It is the starting point of self-realization. It is all the feelings of release and empowerment that accompany that transition. Orange is thankfulness and celebration. It is ritual and ceremony. It is vitality and outwardness. But a more refined aliveness than the instinctual red vitality, with overtones of joy and gratitude. It is dancing and singing rather than struggling.

Orange recalls the ritual and praise of religious rites, and the ceremony around kings and great leaders of former times. In a certain sense it suggests group devotion to a figurehead of some type. Religious works such as Handel's Messiah are essentially proclamations of praise and therefore contain much orange energy music.

All new beings contain the impulse toward self-actualization. The Creator gives its created ones freedom to self-create. A good parent gives the child freedom, space, and encouragement to expand out beyond the known confines of the home.

Orange is the high-energy state of puberty in the growth of the body. Many cultures ritualize the transition to adulthood with joyous ceremonies. Celebration and ritual are aspects of the Orange energy, and any festive event can contain this energy, regardless of what the occasion is.

With free will comes creativity, the outward manifesting of some inner part of us. If your act of creating is authentic, you feel grateful and want to celebrate your creation, for in creating you advance and clarify who you are.

Orange music is animated and energetic but in an orderly, structured and refined way. It is usually in major mode and in a bright key like C or D or another of the sharp keys. D is the "natural" key for orange, and orange music in that key has special power. Examples of this are the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah and the Gloria from Bach's B Minor Mass. Orange music generally has a moderate or fast tempo, with a pronounced boldness to it. Trumpets are the dominant instrument in much of Bach’s wonderfully bright and clear orange music. The Baroque period produced a great outpouring of purely Orange energy music, much of it in the key of D major.

George F. Handel best typifies the Orange genre of music. Handel was a master of expressing orange energy in music, and many of his best-known works have this energy. As a composer to royalty in the English court he had much practice in producing fanfare and music of kingly homage and reverence.

Many of Giuseppe Verdi‘s operas feature music of this type. Aida, in particular, is a very orange opera, with its elaborate ceremony, ritual and triumphal scenes.

Most orange music is bright. Occasionally you will encounter music having the formality of orange but with a somber tone. The power light in this case is a darker orange, orange mixed with gray.

Outside of the world of classical music, square dance, polka, or “bluegrass” music captures the essence of Orange. Its strength and fast, regular beat, along with its festive nature, give it this quality.

Chakra: Svadhisthana (below the solar plexus)

Orange Examples

Bach Magnificat / Opening; Sicut Locutus; Gloria
Brandenburg Concerto no. 1 / mvts. 1 and 3
Brandenburg Concerto no. 2 / mvt. 2
B Minor Mass / Gloria, Cum Sancto Spiritu, Et Resurrexit, Osanna, Et Expecto
Donizetti L’Elisir d’amore / Cantiam, facciam brindisi (chorus)
Handel Messiah / And the Glory; For Unto Us; Hallelujah
Water Music / Suite No. 2
Alexander Feast / Allegro
Coronation Anthems
Holst The Planets / Jupiter
Mozart Symphony 29 / 4th mvt.
Symphony 34 / 3rd mvt.
Symphony 35 / 1st and 4th mvts.
Symphony 36 / 4th mvt.
Wagner Tannhauser / Entry of the guests (“Grand March”)

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